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What is SIP

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a smart and hassle-free mode for investing money in mutual funds. SIP allows an investor to invest a certain pre-determined amount at a regular interval (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually etc.). SIP is a planned approach towards investments and helps to inculcate the habit of saving and building wealth for the future.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):
Why the right Investment otion for you?


Routine Investment

SIP requires investment in specific intervals which allows you to allocate a fixed amount of money for investment and brings the habit of routine savings and investment.


Cost Rebalancing

For same amount of investment, you will get more units in bearish market and vice versa. Thus, the cost of units purchased is averaged out.


Power of Compounding

The key to generate financial wealth is to start investing early and to keep investing regularly for a long period. In SIP scheme your small amount of money invested regularly over a long period of time resulting to a sizable amount of wealth which includes your own contribution to SIP accumulated with investment returns compounded over the years.


Easy to invest

SIP investment offers convenience as you can choose to invest an amount periodically which will not burden your budget.


No need to time the market

Capital market investors are always in a dilemma whether it is a right time to invest or not. It is often hard to predict the direction of the market movement. Investing through SIP resolves this dilemma as it is a periodic investment which occurs across market cycles. SIP enables you to delegate the worry of market movement to the Asset Manager.


Flexible investment opportunity

Based on your financial capacity and future goal you can choose the tenure (2 to 10 years) and interval of Investment best suited to your financial plan and capacity.


Tool for achieving financial Goals

Dreams are often larger than reality. There may be substantial difference between your dream and what you feel is achievable. SIP can be the right tool to achieve your large financial goal by investing systematically even in small amounts over a long period of time.

Key features of SIP

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    Minimum Subscription: Any multiple of BDT 500.0/-.

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    Investment interval: Monthly, Quarterly or Half-yearly (pre-determined investment interval cannot be changed)

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    Investment Tenure: Minimum 2 years to maximum 10 years.

what to invest!